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#OneWeek100People 2023 : All Posts Collected


DAY ONE: 100 People on Day one :)


Hey everyone! Here’s my day one!

I always like to start the marathon with a warmup; so I went out with the most basic tools possible. Just a little bottle of ink, a dipping pen, and an old pointed round brush.

I wanted to see if I could still do it. (Sketch 100 people in a single day.) And I’m happy to say, that yes, it’s still possible! But it felt harder than last year. Possibly because I’m drawing a little “tighter” these days? Or maybe I just forget every year what it’s like :)

Does it look that way to you? Maybe not!

Either way, it was a long day. I was out till midnight. I ended up at a 24 hour diner, sketching the last set of people using pics I’d snapped on my phone. I had a slice of lemon meringue pie as my reward.

I have to say, it felt great. A real sense of achievement, pushing myself to get it done. I’m really loving the feel of this stack of drawings in my hand.

Ok! I’ll drop by the Facebook group today and see what everyone else is up to. Can’t wait to see the new stuff.

See you over there! ~m


DAY TWO: Tea Milk and Honey


Click the video for a flip-through of my Day 02!

I very much wanted to do a *second* 100 people – – but I only managed 50.

I had some grandiose goals of getting 100 people EVERY DAY! Imagine doing 500 people a week? I’m not sure I could maintain my focus. Maybe? maybe if I was on vacation! Maybe if I booked five live models in five days? (That would be kind of fun. I wonder if my local life drawing guy would be interested in sponsoring a marathon? I should ask him next time :)

But this week, I’ve already given up on that. I got very tired staying up super late on day one – and then immediately did it again today, and I’m super tired now.

If anyone out there actually wants to try it next year (500 people in 5 days), let me know, and maybe we can inspire each other :)

Still! I’m very happy with what I did manage!

They’re (mostly) all painted in watercolor – and it was a very solid, very full day of work, finishing again around midnight. I brought the last few home and finished in the studio. I didn’t want to spend a second night at the 24hour diner, for fear of becoming a local character, so I just went home and finished coloring sketches while eating sea-salt chocolate chip cookies.

It’s my own fault for deciding to use this Three Pass approach, (what I might call Tea Milk and Honey). I know it’s much slower than working Directly. After all, you have to sketch them, then paint them, so it already takes twice as long. But – it’s always a trade-off between speed and accuracy – sooooo. Right now I’m working on hitting that balance the way I like it.

It’s still to cold here to be comfortable, so I ended up spending most of the day at the main branch of our French public library (BANQ). There’s a good mix of university students at work, and regular citizens hanging out in the comfy reading lounges. (We have a very nice public library!) I was impressed with how many people come there to read bandes dessinées (French comics). These books are terrifically expensive as compared to book-books (imported, large format, small print runs) so I can see why people like the library for comics. The selection here is really great. Our public library even has video games. In fact, they even have a maker-lab. You can use a mechanical knitting machine or a CNC cutting table. It’s quite amazing.

So yes – I ended up taking over a table in the study area, and working on big batches of drawings. I could lay out 10 or 15 wet washes, and by the time those were done I could start rotating back for the next layer. It helps that it’s very dry here during winter months. And, I could take breaks whenever I wanted, walking around getting some more poses.

I will say, to be completely clear, I sketched these from snapshots taken on my phone.

I don’t know that it would be any different doing them entirely from life – in fact – I think they’d be *better* from life – but – it’s harder work (concentration-wise) – and you need to carry a drawing board with your paint’s clipped to the panel, and was more worried about trying to get to 100 and a bit concerned attempting that inside the library. They have a lot of security at our downtown branch, which is nice in some ways (it’s an inner city neighborhood with all that entails) but, whatever! I’m just making excuses :)

So that’s it! This my Day 02. Here’s a little gallery of my favorites :)

– m


DAY THREE: An Evening of Life Drawing


Hey! I went to figure drawing!

Once winter hits us for real, I go into hibernation, and don’t tend to make it out for life drawing until the spring.

But to be honest, I didn’t draw these today. I had this stash of line drawings saved from a previous live session, months and months ago. I can’t even remember when. I procrastinated long enough that I said; why not save them for #OneWeek100People.

The real story is; I was waiting for the right moment, when I was brave enough to potentially ruin these drawings.

I find if I wait long enough I lose the ‘jealous hoarding’ feeling, and it’s ok to risk destroying them. Or – maybe – it’s more like, I stack up enough drawings in reserve that I feel like I have ‘drawings to burn.’

That’s certainly the case this week!

The experiment this time was to destroy the image! and then see if I could save it. Maybe find a new way to unify the figure with the background.

I made a first pass that’s completely wet and wild, using 2″ flat to flow color onto these 6×9″ pages. Then came back with selective wet-on-dry blends, pushing and pulling edges, seeing if I can bring the figure back into focus.

(It’s not really as risky as I’m making it sound. You’re just re-establishing sharp edges where you need them.)

So, this is one of the hidden benefits of an art marathon. Setting aside time to do ‘crazy experiments’. Things I probably wouldn’t try and do on a normal week.


DAY FOUR: An Exhibition of Hats


Hey so, I went to our museum of archeology (Pointe-à-Callière) to sketch their show on hats and headdresses from around the world.

Just a fun day of classic museum drawing. I love sketching in these places. It’s calm and quiet, the lighting on the objects is often masterful, and really – every object has been carefully selected to be informative and inspiring. You can’t fail to have a great day sketching at a museum.

For this exhibition I’ve invented the faces. The objects were displayed ‘floating’ without a head, but I felt they’d be more interesting if I added a personality. (This is something that is very much against the rules in traditional Urban Sketching, so, of course I had to do it).

I’m not being particularly accurate in these sketches – they’re just interpretations of the real things – so of course, my apologies if I’ve put the wrong culture under any of these hats. What can we do? I’m just a sketcher!


DAY FIVE: An Exhibition of Hats


Click for a very nice video in which I get philosophical about painting:)


So! Thanks to everyone who’s been doing #OneWeek100People for this, the Seventh Year!

(*Cheering sounds.*)

I had a really good time with this week. I got to do a LOT of drawing, and pretty much ignore any responsibilities, besides making art for an entire week. How great is that!? Thank you so much for the opportunity.

I hope you guys have engaged with the group up on Facebook. The real secret is in the posting! It makes you do the work! That’s where the magic is! And of course, the sharing and communication with everyone is as big a reward as the art-gains.

This week has me very excited for my next annual event , which is of course #30x30DirectWatercolor. This is when we upsize from one week, to an entire month. One watercolor painting a day for thirty days! I hope I can convince as many of you as possible to come try that event as well.

In the mean time, keep commenting on other people’s work in the Facebook, and – if you’ve had a great time with #OneWeek, I hope you’ll post a big finish when you hit your 100!

Even if it takes you a few days after the official event. Don’t hesitate to drop me a comment here on this post, or tag me on Facebook.

Take care everyone!
