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2024 #30×30 Day 02 : Work and Rework

June 2, 2024

Today’s painting, showing the morning’s work, side by side with the afternoon paint-over :)

In some ways I didn’t change much, in other ways it’s a whole new painting.

This is what I’m talking about; re: color mixing in oils. You can endlessly rework the piles of color on your palette; even scrape color off your painting and put it back on the palette for re-mixing. You can create complex harmonies by taking one of your colors and chopping it with another. You can load the brush or knife by picking up more than one color at a time.

Wonderful how you can push your piles of paint in one direction or the other, and never have to settle for good-enough.

I’ll leave you with my detail shots. I do this because it’s the closest you can get to seeing the work in person. The ability to lean in and see the surface, or back off and see the whole.

By the way, thanks to everyone who commented yesterday; it was great to get so much support for my move into this ‘new’ direction (even though it’s been a long time coming, and I don’t think it’s new for anyone who’s been following :) :)

Thanks guys! Inspiring as always to paint with you!


2 Comments leave one →
  1. Deanne Rader permalink
    June 4, 2024 12:13 AM

    Hello Marc, Your oils are excellent! Wanted to share with you my last 5 watercolors on Yupo. Been having a lot of fun! Deanne Rader

    • June 4, 2024 10:15 PM

      Please do show us Deanne! You can post a link here, or send them to my email ( Thanks!

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