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It’s time again for #30x30DirectWatercolor! But I have a confession to make :)

June 1, 2024

This will be the seventh year of #30×30! (You can look back at my past years HERE.) And of course I’m talking about our annual online painting marathon where we encourage each other to make thirty paintings in thirty days, and post them publicly at the end of every day.

The positing is really the key.

We do encourage people to use our Facebook group, but of course the world has moved on and we’re almost all on Instagram. Maybe even that is old news; all my friends in gaming are jumping on this new artist’s app Cara. But it doesn’t matter where or how you share – use your social media of choice.

We love to call it; sharing, this thing we do in online. But I think it’s really the (very) human need for praise. Encouragement. I’ve joked #30×30 is a mutual admiration society – but it’s not really a joke. It was an oversight, leaving support-group-of-your-peers out of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Making art is such an ephemeral process. Not just, Are we making good work? but, Are we doing the right thing? Are we living up to the challenge of living our best lives? Sometimes it feels to me that art is not a valuable way to spend the coin of your days. Other times I think it’s the *only* sane response to the universe. Being human, and being creative are practically synonymous. There’s some debate if we should say we’re higher than other animals. And this year we’re not making a good case for our species. But if we do have anything special at all, it’s got to be creativity.

And that’s what I have to bring up right off the bat.

This year, I’m going to do oil paintings for my personal #30x30DirectWatercolor.

I know, I know, it’s right there in the title; watercolor.

And when Uma and I founded the event, I was completely, manically, 100%, sure; I would spend the rest of my life making watercolors.

But it turns out I didn’t know myself that well? or; You can’t keep a true artist in a lane? or, We must grow as artists or wither on the vine? Or however you want to say it. The reality is, I’ve been suffering a lot of dread these last few months about this topic. After travelling around teaching, and writing a few books about watercolor, and generally making such a big deal about watercolor, naturally – I have a lot of friends who love watercolor!

It seems like a betrayal to discover that I’m presently obsessed with oils.

(Just look at that thickness! It’s the complete opposite of washes on paper. So juicy!)

But of course; it’s not just oils. I’m getting quite interested in sculpture. I wrote a novel(la) last year. I’ve recently done some dabbling with acrylics. I’m still doing digital art in my spare time, and I’m still fascinating with collaborating with AI. (Now, that’s a dangerous topic around artists :)}

I’m having a real problem focusing on watercolor. It’s like I’m doing anything but. (Including playing too much video games).

It seems ridiculous to announce “I’ve said everything I have to say in watercolor.” Clearly there’s more than one lifetime to be spent on any media.

I also don’t want to make a value judgement like, oil is better than water. Even though there are a lot of lovely things about oils – the color you mix is correct every time, no drying to a different shade – you can alter your painting drastically – the thickness? (did I mention the thickness?) Honestly – I am creating mixed neutrals in oil that I could never get in watercolor. That’s on me I know, not on the medium. But regardless, my color sensitivity is evolving. And the total lack of fear about mistakes. The ability to scrape off and paint it again – even days later. This is really such a relief, I feel kind of dumb for all those years of saying “I don’t care about mistakes, just rip up the painting and do another one!” < What was I talking about???

I know, some people may feel, if I’m not making videos about watercolor, then why do they even bother to follow me? (No judgment from me! I don’t know! :)

But the truth is; I’ve come to a position where I can’t enjoy myself in watercolor. It’s very weird for me, as I know I loved ever second of it in the past. And who knows; this strange mindset might shift again, and where will I be then?

Today, at age 55, I have realized I should talk less, and paint more.

So for that reason, and because my work is in flux and I’m unsure where it’s going, my other proclamation is; I’m doing #30×30 for myself this year.

This means I won’t be making any process videos, or talking technique. The old tips and tricks are still here :) but my work is in flux. I can’t give any advice right now on how to paint. I need to spend some time finding out the hard way.

I hope you understand, and you’ll keep following your own muse, and that we’ll still see you over on #30×30 Direct Watercolor Facebook. The most important thing is helping each other, and staying engaged with art.

Thanks; ~marc

15 Comments leave one →
  1. bettyohome permalink
    June 1, 2024 10:40 PM

    Hang in there, Marc! You are doing what all artists do, are supposed to do—continuously explore and reinvent yourself. Who cares if it’s not watercolor (tho we all love your WatercolorPast.) what we will miss is your commentary. Please consider perhaps 3-5 comments postings—all about your oils if you’d like! And don’t apologize. 💕

  2. charsmum permalink
    June 1, 2024 10:55 PM

    I’ll be happy to see your work whatever you paint with Marc…don’t feel bound to watercolor (although I love you watercolors and have been grateful for your willingness to share about them).
    I did the 100X7 in March – I got to #93 and gave up because I wasn’t enjoying it anymore…. But it was GREAT as an inspirational. I am a techno-luddite… I have a mobile phone – it’s beside my bed and it stays there for the occasional time I want to know what the time is in the middle of the night!!!!! As for Instagram and whatever – I know they exist, but what are they? So that is why I don’t share – I don’t have the knowledge to do it…I need to get one of my grandchildren to show me how to I guess! I must go and get some canvases ready (I must confess that I too am having a little affair with oils at the moment.) Lots of love from Queensland Australia, Marylin Smith

    Sent from Mail for Windows

  3. ginieudy permalink
    June 1, 2024 11:05 PM

    Marc, we all explore different media and incorporate different materials into our work. Very few ‘pure watercolour only’ work is happening. Anyway not from the artists I’m inspired by. Although I get that that is the exact point of the 30×30 Challenge: direct watercolour!

    Thank you to you and Uma for kicking this Challenge off initially. It will continue as long as people want it to. Nothing really has to be forever. My dad had a great saying for things that came to an end: “Mission Accomplished.” Not that I’m suggesting you’re done, or should be done with the 30×30, but life has cycles.

    I haven’t done the 30×30 before but I’ve loved the Oneweek100people Challenge in March each year and the connection with an international community of artists.

    Thank you for nurturing that community.

  4. ginieudy permalink
    June 1, 2024 11:10 PM

    I’ve always love what you do Marc, and all artists use a variety of tools and materials to express themselves. Go for it! And keep inspiring us!

  5. mlaiuppa permalink
    June 2, 2024 12:14 AM

    Well, I know I will never do oils. Won’t go into the reasons. I started doing watercolors seriously when I retired in June of 2015. I started a watercolor class through the community college emeritus program that fall and am still going strong.

    I did the 30×30 for a few years but then got busy with my parents and my house. Time just creeps up on you. I enjoyed experimenting with the different palettes you used as some had colors outside my comfort zone.

    I’m already a day late but I have my watercolor palettes next to me and I might try to get something done tonight.

    Happy painting in whatever materials you enjoy. I attend an in person class that is mixed media but the teacher uses oils and doesn’t care what we use. I keep an ear open and have developed an appreciation for oils, but I doubt I will ever invest in all of the materials to get started now that I have all of my watercolor supplies and am comfortable with them. Many of the subject examples the teacher provides for the water color class are oil paintings

  6. Steven Nakamura permalink
    June 2, 2024 3:51 AM

    It looks like you are using oil paints like an expression of watercolors. The feel is very much of the flow and the unpredictable way the color mixes. I believe it was John Singer Sargent that became famous for his oil paintings and gave them up for the spontaneity and freshness of watercolor. His talents, as well as your own, produced wonderful and inspiring pieces of fine art. Keep going, keep playing, and more importantly keep succeeding.

  7. June 2, 2024 6:55 AM

    Miss you Marc. I too am drawn to the texture of oils…tho’ fear picking up the pallet knife to start all over again from scratch…

  8. Charles permalink
    June 2, 2024 7:06 AM

    you’ve inspired numerous people with your watercoloring – time to enjoy your own re-inspiration via oils.. !

  9. CATHERINE M ERMANN permalink
    June 2, 2024 8:45 AM

    Hi Marc,

    It’s wonderful already that you do this every year – so go be you! The name could just be changed to 30×30 Direct Painting – encouraging people to paint regularly in any medium that they want. Either way, it’s a great experience! I have wandered away from watercolor myself – I still do it – but I wanted to see what I could learn from other media and bring back to watercolor. It’s been eye opening and now I find I can approach my watercolor with a fresh persepctive.

    Thanks again for organizing this!

  10. shloeb13472c32cd permalink
    June 2, 2024 10:39 AM

    I congratulate your courage to keep growing and embracing change! Keep it up, and enjoy the journey!

  11. Janet Linton permalink
    June 2, 2024 11:13 AM

    Hi Marc – I thoroughly understand and actually switch mediums regularly – depending on the subject matter – some look better in pastel, or ink, or watercolour. Nice to have the options to express more or less. I look forward to viewing more of your work – truly inspirational. Thanks.

  12. Mireille Gullo permalink
    June 2, 2024 1:58 PM

    Hello Marc, I’m sure you make good choices for you. Have a happy month with your oil paintings! Mireille

  13. June 2, 2024 5:30 PM

    Marc this is really exciting! I still absolutely love your watercolors, but have also dived into oil through a weekend plein group here on Oahu. Oh my goodness it’s green revelatory and I’ve lost my fear of the old layers medium. Thanks for the opportunity to practice!

  14. Robin permalink
    June 2, 2024 8:25 PM

    Good for you and thanks for sharing! I work in both mediums myself so carry on in whatever medium suits you at the moment. It’s all good! Happy painting.

  15. scottngov permalink
    June 2, 2024 9:10 PM

    Marc—change rules the world. You went from 2 D (ink and watercolor), to 2.5 D (thick oils, reminds me of stucco texture), to 3 D (sculpture)! Happy for you that you’re living your best life and expressing yourself through art and sharing with the community.

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